My Cousin and I, A Reflection of Peace
This morning my cousin and I had a very deep and spiritual conversation about life, ourselves and success in our careers. It makes me smile when I see and hear the bond that he has gain with God. My cousin, Darryl is truly amazing. He constantly reminds me that he has always looked up to me growing up, but it's funny now that the tables have turned. I really look up to him. With all that he and I have endured in our lives we've gain so much through our pain.
We are on our way to amazing heights. His business has started to take flight and it's all because he allowed God to intervene and guide him. Along this journey I have also allowed God to guide my steps and career. Family, when you I tell you that every thing I've tried in the past failed, and it's because I didn't wait and listen to God for guidance. Now that Darryl and I have built a strong relationship with God he has allowed us to soar like eagles. Greatness awaits us both.
I stepped out on faith by turning down journalism opportunities because I couldn't speak about God. Due to my faith and conviction, doors are opening and pouring in opportunities. Today has started out great I'm full on the word and spirit just as my cousin.
Luke 6:20-21, Then He lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: "Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. 21. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh.
The remainder of Luke 6 should be read in it's entirety because it will help you elevate in your goals. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk and minister with me Darryl. Love you much.
Be bless,