Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Look Back...In Rememberance of Walter"

Hey beloveds, It's been awhile since I've posted so I decided to take the time out today to update everyone. The last two weeks have truly been draining for me. I've been traveling back and forth to New York because of a sick relative (1st cousin). While sitting at my desk at work I received a phone call telling me to hurry to NY because my youngest first cousin was dying due to lung cancer. I was devastated and confused for a moment but quickly collected my thoughts. I then told my supervisor I had to leave due to a emergency, so then I headed off to NY.

Upon my arrival to NY I went to the hospital to visit my cousin but what I saw was truly not expected nor was I prepared to see him in that state. I prayed and ask God to strengthen my family for what was to come. At that moment I knew God had made up his mind. This was a Friday night two weeks ago, my family and I spent most (if not all) of the weekend in the hospital with my cousin. While at the hospital I prayed, I cried, and I even song to my cousin. I knew he couldn't speak but he could hear so I began to sing "May The Works I've Done Speak For Me". I'm sure he understood. I then whispered in his ear telling him " I love you as well as the family loves you and if you are tired now let God have his way because this life here was just preparation for your true home."

On Sunday November 22, 2009 at 1:44pm I noticed that my youngest first cousin completed what God had him to do here so he slipped away. I rubbed his chest and said thank you God for allowing us 25 years with Walter and thank you for taking away the pain.

Some people don't understand death but if you decide to give God your heart he will give the understanding that to live is to die. He will teach you this land is not promised to us heaven is what's promised to us. God allowed us all to participate in a rehearsal called life to prepare us for eternal life in heaven or hell (it's your decision). Death can bring positive things into place. The lost of my cousin has opened up new windows and doors for unity and better relationships in my family. People have open up the lines of communication that once was impossible to do. The bible states, "Greater is he, that is in me". I truly believe because of the greatness of God that was in Walter is the reason his crossing over has given my family a brighter and better future.

To my cousins Darryl and Kiba, I can't replace Walter nor would I ever try but you both know that I am forever your brother. Darryl, you thanked me for being there when you fell, well always remember that I'm going to be your rock. When I think you are about to fall I'll be there to catch you but most importantly I'll be there so you can not fall. The love you and I share will never be understood by man or us for that

W= willing to help all mankind
A= angel sent from up above
L= laughter that inspired all to enjoy life
T= true friend forever
E= easy to love
R= rare diamond

Beloveds, take the time out to tell someone that you love them because tomorrow is not promised. Live your life as if today was your last, it is so important to appreciate all that God is allowing us to experience in this world. Enjoy it, be a blessing to others, and most importantly be a blessing to yourself by knowing God.

love you all